Self Esteem and Self Image


Why do I have low self-esteem?

Low self-esteem genrally is founded in our childhood:

* High levels of criticism from your parent or caregiver
* Receiving minimal affection, support or respect *Being constantly teased, picked on, or laughed at
* Receiving overly strict, cruel, or age-inappropriate punishment
* Being ridiculed for your ideas, grades or talents
* Being shamed when alone or in front of others
* Being neglected when parents are too busy or emotionally unavailable
* Having your feeling ignored and discounted
* Being negatively compared to siblings or other children
* Being threatened with abandonment
* Being abandoned and/or unwanted
* Not being allowed to participate in school activities, play with neighbors and friends, or do normal things other kids do.
* Being blamed for the parent's problems
* Being told "You were a mistake!"
* Not being taught appropriate social skills
* Not being encouraged in school and other personal endeavors
* Being ill as a child and unable to participate in normal activities

Self esteem and self image have many over lapping features. Self image focuses more on how we see ourselves or more specifically our bodies. Some examples of causation include:

* Being the victim of verbal, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse

*Critised for your wieght or appearance

*Unfavorable comparisons to another family member or an absent parent

Low self esteem and poor self image can be the underlying cause of anxiety, eating disorders, depression, addictive behaviors, domestic violence, sexual acting out and gang affilation. When addressing low self esteem or poor self image it is important to address the symptoms and the core issues. We can help with that or talk to a local therapist about getting underneath the symptoms and truly changing and improving your life.

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