Child Development

In psychology many theorist have views on child development. Below we site a few of the major theories that time has proven to have merit. But remember each child is unique and the age level each child is in may not reflect his or her emotional or motor skill age.

Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development
According to psychologist Erik Erikson, human beings go through eight developmental stages in life. At each stage, we are confronted with a psychosocial crisis, which we must resolve before we can move on to the next stage.

Freud's Five Stages of Psychosexual Development

According to Freud, personality development depends on the resolution of conflicts between childhood sexual urges and demands from the society. The five psychosexual stages are: Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency and Genital.

Paiget's Stages Of Intellectual Development
Italian, early childhood educator, Jean Piaget conceives of child intellectual development as occurring in four distinct stages: sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage, and formal operational stage.

Margaret Mahler's Theory of Development
Normal Autistic Phase - Birth to 4 weeks
Normal Symbiotic Phase - 4 weeks to 5 months

The Subphases of Separation - Individuation Proper
First Subphase Differentiation - 5 to 10 months
Second Subphase Practicing -10 to 16 months
Third Subphase Rapprochement 16 to 24 months
Fourth Subphase Object Constancy 24 to 36 months
Margaret Mahler is also important to the development of Object Relations therapy; our preferred method for treating adults dealing with issues of childhood death of a parent, abuse by a family member or severe trauma.

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